Mastering the PRO

Swing the Club Like You Swing the PRO!

Reach your Full Potential

At My True Swing, we’re proud to be your one-stop shop for golf swing training solutions. We understand that a consistent and dependable golf swing is essential to improving your performance on the course. That’s why we offer a wide selection of training solutions to help you develop a swing that’s powerful, accurate, and — most importantly — repeatable. Take a look at what we offer below!

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Introduction to the PRO

The PRO Swing Trainer is unlike any other weighted golf swing training aid you’ve seen before. Its rope-like shaft will immediately bend if you try to “muscle through” your swing rather than utilizing the rotational energy from your lower body. Once you try it, you’ll be amazed by how quickly it can help you identify and fix longstanding problems in your swing.

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Online Instructional Content

To help you get the most out of your PRO Swing Training System, we also offer a range of online instruction content that covers everything from basic swing mechanics to advanced techniques. Our golf tutorials are led by experienced instructors who go over topics such as swing tempo, wrist torque, and more. Start your journey with our “Introduction to the PRO” videos, then perfect your technique with our “Mastering the PRO” series.

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Professional Coaching Program

For golfers who want personalized instruction and guidance, My True Swing is home to 1-on-1 coaching sessions with PGA professional Dan Martin. Dan has over 22 years of golf teaching experience, and he’s well-versed in utilizing the power of the PRO Swing Trainer to help you achieve the perfect swing.

My True Swing — The Best Way To Achieve a Better Swing

Claiming that golf is hard is quite the understatement. From slicing your drives to chunking your irons, your swing could contain any number of problems that ruin your enjoyment of the round. That’s what My True Swing is here to help you with, as we believe our innovative training systems are the most effective and affordable way to improve at the sport you love.

With My True Swing, it has never been easier to swing training aids and resources that can help you turn up your golf game. Order your PRO Swing Training System today and get started on the path to becoming a better golfer!

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What Our Customers Are Saying


I've been using your "PRO" golf training device and I've been watching your U-Tube videos. I've gotten tremendous benefit from doing both. The "Pro" training device has been unbelievable in the development of my golf swing. I've swung it 9100 times (I'm keeping track on Excel) and its teaching me the feel of a good swing and its making me aware of things that I doubt I would otherwise ever have discovered without its use.

Mark T


The PRO Swing Trainer helped me with my tempo, rhythm, and timing of the complete turn of the shoulders and torso. I now allow the momentum of the club head move through the full swing. I am hitting the ball farther with less effort as I'm not just using my arms but rotating my body. The PRO helped me realize how lightly you actually need to hold the club to generate natural swing power.

Betty S


The PRO Swing Training System completely change the thought process on my swing. It's taught me to swing freely and the results are extraordinary. Not only has the pro added distance, but accuracy for my driver and irons. I swing my PRO before every practice session and tournament round. It's a must have for every golfer serious about their game.

Nick B